Everything gives you cancer

It seems that every week we hear something new gives us cancer; Coffee, chocolate, bacon just to name a few recent outcries. Do they really or are we just told that to promote fad diets?

My project from Hel

Are you interested in a simple, first hand account of what performing scientific research is about? Well, it’s about time I shed a little bit of light on what it is I am doing in my own research.  If you’ve been reading any of our other blog posts, you may be familiar already with some... Continue Reading →

A CRISPR gene-editing system

If you’ve been searching through scientific news or literature in recent years, there is no doubt that you will have stumbled across CRISPR, or CRISPR-Cas9.  CRISPR has had a huge impact on biological research over the past few years, affecting areas of study such as: genetics, oncology, pathology, microbiology… there are few areas of biological... Continue Reading →

Mastering MATLAB?

I thought I'd go out on a limb and try something a little different for this post. If you're new to this blog and want to learn more about the background to my research project, please have a look at this post. Otherwise, if you're interested in having a peek at what my computer screen... Continue Reading →

The Struggle against Superbugs

The featured image for this post is "Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus" by Janice Haney Carr from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health Image Library (PHIL). The image was obtained using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) which uses a beam of electrons to deduce details about the surface of objects - in this case a particular... Continue Reading →

Why Computing Counts

Among fellow scientists, I am often met by blank or even disinterested faces when I mention that my research project is computer-based. There's almost this idea in science that computational scientists are completely disconnected from science that happens in the laboratory. I am passionate about dispelling this myth, and recently came across a research publication... Continue Reading →

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